New Home and New Chapter for the Cellar café

We are overjoyed to have a beautiful new home at the heart of Godalming. After much prayer and exploration of alternative locations the Lord has provided us with a glorious warm, spacious and colourful place within which to continue to serve Him.

You will note our modified name and mission statement which reflects the pilgrimage that everyone is journeying along and on which we continue to serve both the local community and the local churches with joy and commitment. Waverley Borough Council have generously provided us with the location and the lease and helped us at every stage of the process. We are enormously grateful and it is a privilege to serve together and to support one another.

We opened our doors on 26th October and Councillor Penny Rivers officiated at the opening ceremony the following day cutting the ribbon with obstetric scissors symbolizing new birth and new hope!

Our aim is to continue to serve those within our local community who are struggling with special needs or circumstantial difficulties including mental problems and poverty. We are aware that this could be a ‘winter of discontent’ and want to be able to provide warmth and friendship and assistance with food parcels or free food as necessary. We would also like to welcome anyone along their ‘pilgrimage’ in whatever state of repair or disrepair to provide rest and refreshment along the way. In these difficult times we are acutely aware of the importance of friendship and welcome. Our Lord Jesus provided us with such an example of this generosity of Spirit and we strive to follow Him in this pathway.

Our ‘regulars’ have found their way to the new café and we have been able to keep in close touch through the summer through meeting at the band stand for picnics and then in a local café when the weather changed. Debbie and Emma have been wonderful in keeping in touch and being Mother Geese to their special flock!

The journey to our home has been drenched in prayer and waiting on the Lord and He has given us a vision for the way ahead with the importance of providing a ‘table’ to continue to wait on and serve those on the journey. He has also guided us into an expanded ministry including street ministry with pray and praise; setting up an expanded Cellar Prayer and Praise Band ; offering our services to the local churches who may be struggling for whatever reason to give support and practical help in the form of leading worship and providing the sermon; providing an early response listening service for troubled young people in collaboration with Trinity Trust Team, Dan Eley Foundation and the newly formed 14-18 group in Busbridge; lastly exploring outreach to the non-churched through camino groups within which, as per the El Camino pilgrim route in Northern Spain, folk are able to share stories and enjoy fellowship. The first such group prior to the second lockdown was most agreeable and spirit-filled.

We are conscious that when the world has had to run for cover the Lord’s Kingdom is unstoppable and the sound of praise from grateful hearts cannot be muzzled. We believe that the Lord has given us a new wineskin within which He is pouring new wine and we rejoice in all that is to come.

Do come and see us and continue to support this wonderful service for the local community and beyond. Our love and blessings to you all,

Dr Chris J

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